Levi was chosen for the Wakulla 9U All-Stars team and he was so proud. They lost their first tournament, but he enjoyed the team, the coaches and the opportunity.
The boys even spent a few days by the road selling blackberries they had picked in our yard. They made a whopping $4 and were just as proud and satisfied as they could be.
They even got to try out Taekwondo last week and they LOVED it (as did I). But, sadly, we discovered that we cannot afford it unless we find a way to earn extra money (which we have not given up on).
VBS with our church has come and gone and the boys, of course, had a great time. We're now gearing up for VBS at Mt. Elon (church just up from our house) and I know they'll have a great time again.
But after next week, it'll all be over. No more soccer, no more baseball, no more berry selling... and, unless God sees fit to provide, no Taekwondo. We're looking for options of other extra-curricular activities right now and praying we find the perfect fit for us, but meanwhile... what does a homeschooling mother do with bored kids in the heat of summer with no other activities going on? START THE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR, of course! Won't the kids be glad? LOL
I know every kid who does NOT homeschool is feeling very thankful that they don't right now, huh? But that's okay, because come hunting season, my kids will be rejoicing that they are off and able to hunt EVERY day of the season! We really do love homeschooling around here. Well, most of the time :)
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