Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hot Headed

104.8, 103.6, 102.8, and on a good day 100.2.  Every mother knows what those numbers are, don’t they?  Yep, a sick child’s temperature readings.

It’s been a long 10 days (and still counting).  That’s how long Levi has had these fevers (and coughing and no energy).  No one, and I mean NO ONE has ever seen Levi on a couch as much as he’s been this last week and half!  Not even as an infant did he “rest” this much!!  I say “rest” with quotes because with the cough, he’s not really resting great any time (night or day); which is probably accounting for the lack of energy more than the sickness in and of itself.

Thankfully, the chest x-rays showed no pneumonia yesterday.  Whew!  Just a virus turned into an infection, the doctor thinks, so we started antibiotics last night and are hopeful that this illness will be over before too long.

All-in-all I’d say Levi’s had a pretty good attitude about all he’s missed throughout this time.  First, he missed his baseball game (he was actually sick for one before this one, but the one before this wound up being cancelled due to weather so it’s kinda like he didn’t miss that one).  Next he missed the last P.E. class at Medart Elementary (he goes there sometimes on Tuesdays and Fridays for P.E.).  Then, he missed a short fishing adventure with Uncle Herb and cousin Blainde that same evening.  Followed by missing the last AWANA night at church.  But, I’m not done yet…

On Memorial Day, one of my sisters and I had planned a get together at my parents’ house.  And, yep, you guessed it, Levi had to miss that, too because there were several kids there that we did not want to expose to whatever he had and risk them missing their last week of school.  Fortunately Levi has a wonderful dad who not only stayed home with him so Jonah and I could visit the family we don’t see often enough, but he even grilled steak for him (one of Levi’s favorite meals).  He is such a great dad (and husband!). 

You’re probably thinking that’s the end of the stuff he’s missed, right?  Especially since we are not a real “active” family and don’t generally do a lot outside of our own yard.  Well, you’d be wrong.  Here’s the real character test!  Poor Levi had to miss not only his last baseball game, but the baseball party that follows!  You know, the one where the kids get cupcakes and trophies?!  That was tough, but he’s a trooper.  All he said was, “I wish I could at least WATCH them,” with much sadness in his voice.  But he understood that many mamas would not be happy with us if we took him there and exposed their kids, so we skipped all together (and I, being team mom, had to pass off the trophies I had ordered and picked up as well as arrange for another mom to pick up the cupcakes I'd ordered).  
At least I had his trophy and was able to present it to him this morning (he was too sick/tired last night after we got home to get it). I managed to talk him into posing for a picture, but he kept saying, "But it's not the same as with the coaches."  This is the place where everyone says in that sweet, southern voice, “Bless his heart!  Go ahead, you can say it; it was sad. 

But we’ve managed and hopefully we’re almost done with this sickness (praying no one else gets it!).  And while it’s been tough and long and “hard”, we are very aware of how good God has been through it all.  Not only has Levi kept as good of an attitude as can be expected, but he doesn’t have anything really “bad” wrong with him.  There are so many people in this world who are seriously ill; can we really complain about a week or two?  So, we’ll certainly be glad when his fever and cough are gone, but we’re very thankful right now that he does not have anything worse than a virus turned into an infection.  Thank you, Lord for your protection and goodness when we certainly do not deserve it!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Short End of the Stick


Take a good look at that handsome face.  That’s the face of a Godly man who grows more in the image of Jesus with every passing year. 

He got the short end of the stick in this marriage, but I sure am blessed!

May 20, 1989.  That’s the day Jake and I made our vows before friends, family and God.  And we meant it!  Twenty-three years later and I have no doubt that we mean it just as much today as we did the day we said, “I do.”

I am so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man.  He becomes more like Jesus every day of his life, I believe.  I often think that if I were married to anyone else, they would’ve divorced me a long time ago.  But not Jake!  He’s a trooper!  He is a wonderful husband and one of the best examples of a man, a husband, a father and a Christian our boys could possibly have.  And while everyone that knows him, I’m sure, already knows what a great guy he is, I just want to take this time to share a few wonderful things about him that you may not know.

This marvelous man works pretty much every day of his life, except Sundays (when he’s not at the fire station), to provide for me and the boys and allow me the privilege of staying home with them.  He praises me on a regular basis and it has rubbed off on my boys.  It’s precious enough to constantly hear my husband tell me how pretty or smart or wonderful I am, but it might be even sweeter when my two sons tell me that I’m the prettiest woman they’ve ever seen or comment on my intelligence or abilities.  Thank you, Jake, for training them up to one day become as wonderful of a husband as you are.  And thank you, God, for allowing me to glean of Jake’s fruit for the time being J

Jake spends so much time with the boys and is never reluctant to take them with him when he leaves the house, be it for work or play (though the play part is not very common for Jake due to his dedication to providing for his family and taking care of the bees entrusted to him). 

He’s always willing to help anyone he knows that needs it, yet never asks for help himself. 

You rarely hear a cross word come out of his mouth and I’m not sure anyone could say they’ve heard a “foul” word come out of his mouth for at least as long as I’ve known him.

He’s easy going, easy to get along with, has no known enemies and is well thought of by most who are around him on a regular basis.

His knowledge, intellect, wisdom and understanding are truly astounding (though he would not admit it, or probably even believe it, for even a minute).

He is a very humble man and always puts himself last.

He doesn’t speak publically very often, but when he does, he commands attention and the wisdom that comes from him is undoubtedly from God.

These still are all things that most who know him are already aware of, but let me share even more.

When I used to ask him, “Do you think I should cut my hair or let it grow?”  His answer?  It was always the same… “Honey, you’re beautiful no matter what you do.”  And if you only knew how sincere he was when he said it, you’d REALLY be touched.  Here are a few more examples to show you how blessed I am to have this man.

Me: “What do you want for supper, Honey?”

Jake: “Anything is fine; just make it easy on yourself.” 

And at almost every meal you can hear him say, “Thanks for the supper, honey.”  Even if all I did was warm something up or open up a can.

He praises me and lifts me up on a regular basis and never points out my shortcomings even when they’re glaring in all our faces.

He calls me every evening he’s on his way home from work to ask if I need anything.  And, if I do… he happily stops and picks it up. 

And while he may not be a romantic and I may not get presents or “evenings out” as many women are accustomed to, what I do get is love, dedication and even adoration on a daily basis.   

He truly works and makes money for his family.  He would so much rather I or the boys have what we want than for him to get anything he wants monetarily.  He is so selfless, it’s just amazing (thank you, Ms. Joyce as I know that he gets that from you).

So, yes, our anniversary is tomorrow and no, he will not be here (he’s at work).  And no, I do not expect to get any present or anything outside the usual everyday routine (though I should say the same for him—he’s not expecting a present or anything outside routine either), but am I upset or do I feel cheated?  Absolutely not!  I cannot possibly complain when I get treated like a queen most every day of my life, and poor Jake has gotten the short end of the stick.  I could never be the wife that he deserves, but am so thankful that God has allowed me to be his wife.

Yes, you can envy me… I do have the best man around and I do not know why God chose to bless me this way, but I am oh so thankful for the 23 years we’ve had so far and look forward to the many, many more I hope God allows us to have together.