This panorama picture is from this year. The videos below are from last year.
I shared a few short videos of our honey extracting process a few days ago on Face Book. I thought I'd share the ones I took last year here as they give a little more info. Most of these videos are only a few seconds long. Two of them are a little over one minute. So, even though there are several videos here, the total time of all of them combined isn't much over 5 minutes. Hope you enjoy them.
Boxes of Honey waiting to be extracted
Honey Lift (lifting boxes of honey to working height)
Cleaning tops & bottoms of frames; unboxing the frames, and uncapping the frames
Cappings from frames sent to spinner
Cappings after being spun in the spinner
Wax melted, poured and ready to sell
Extractor (spinning honey out of frames)
Honey coming from extractor & spinner
Cleaning the boxes with before putting extracted frames back in.
More cleaning boxes
Filling boxes with extracted frames to be put back on hives.
Boxes with extracted frames; ready to go back on the hives.
Worker Bee Jonah (cleaning up honey spills)
Worker Bee Levi