We still haven't gotten Levi's bites/eczema under control completely
but I sure am feeling like Suzy-home-maker while trying!
I started with making a lotion "bar" (and chap stick).
Then I made him some soap.
He said it was a little "weird" (with the oatmeal in it), but I think we've all grown to love it! --Except Jonah, that is, who says he can't stand to look at it because it looks like "throw-up".
Next, I moved on to making cream/ointment (not sure what to call it).
I've made a few different batches of this stuff (trying to figure out the best approach). I think I like this one the best, and yea, you guessed it... it's one I just threw stuff in and so I don't remember exactly what and how much! No worries, I'll have fun experimenting all over again when I get my real/pure Shea butter!
As so often is the case when I get on a roll.... I just kept rolling!
I made laundry soap...
Another lotion bar (or ointment or cream or whatever you want to call it) in a deodorant container (because Levi hates to get the creams and lotions on his hands).
and hand soap & dish soap (these are mostly for me!)
I'm quite enjoying myself and can't wait to decide what to make next!
FYI: nieces & nephews may be getting home-made stuff for Christmas this year ($$ is tight around here), so be warned (and feel free to chime in with suggestions)!