Monday, July 30, 2012

The Darndest Things

I know you've all heard it, "Kids say the darndest things." And I'd venture a guess that you're in complete agreement with that statement, but in case you're not, let me share a few of Jonah's "darndest things" as of late.

After a full day of Sunday school, church, lunch at Grandma's with cousins, and church again, Jonah and I were sitting at the kitchen table getting ready for bed (corn-starch, meds, etc.---normal nightly routine). While sitting there, Jonah was sharing things about his day with me (don't you just love when your kids do that!). This is how part of that “conversation” went (I say conversation with quotes because it was really more of a monolog than a dialog as is often the case when Jonah is sharing things).

JONAH: (talking about Olivia & Levi playing Temple Run on Olivia’s ipod while at Grandma’s) They never let me play! 
(with even more expression) They don’t think I know how to play! 
(with even more totally exasperated expression)   How am I ever going to get better if they don’t let me play? 
(at this point, he’s getting pure emotional about the seriousness of this situation)  When I get older, my son may save up his money and buy an ipod.  He might download the game Temple Run and I’m not even going to know how to play it.  (his voice is almost quivering and he’s practically in tears over his pain of this situation)
PAUSE (now with calmness returned to his voice in a very matter-of-fact way he says)  Might happen, might not.

And kids DO the darndest thing as well.  Jonah had gotten himself dressed for church yesterday and was in the living room waiting for us.  Jake walked into the living room and looked at him and said, “I think you might need to go look in the mirror, Son.”  So, Jonah walks to the mirror, looks at himself and says (in all seriousness), “What?”

So, let me ask you, do you see anything wrong here?

How about now... does the back view help?

And if that wasn’t bad enough, he got himself dressed again after lunch (same clothes) and came out this time with the shirt backwards AND inside-out!  How can you not know something is wrong when it’s not winter and you’re wearing a turtle neck?!

Okay, so one last thing… this time it’s one of Jonah’s deep thoughts that he amazes us with on a regular basis.
The other night while getting ready for bed, Jonah says to Jake, “Dad, you know what happens when Jesus comes into your heart?”
Jake, “What?”
Jonah, “Your heart stops beating just for a second.   Jesus comes in and it beats real loud!”
He continues, “He stands outside knocking and you need to let Him in because He won’t always knock.  Someday He’ll put up a wall where you can’t get to Him.  So when He’s knocking you need to let Him in.”
And that, Folks, pretty much sums it up! J  From the mouth of babes…

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

There’s no place like home (if you like barns)!

Calamine, Tea Tree and Bleach… oh my!

Have you ever smelled Tea Tree Oil?  It’s a bit strange (though Jake likes the smell, but we all know he’s a bit strange anyway).  When I was young, our family had horses and it seems this stuff reminds me of something we used with the horses, though I can’t put my finger on just what it was… Caron, you know???  Anyway, the age-old question, “Were you raised in a barn?” might seem a bit suited for our house right now because it seems it smells more like a stall than a house, but we’re praying this does the trick!!

Okay, so I’m sure you’re all tired of hearing about our “burdens” here on the honey farm but yep, we’re at it again.  Trying to clear up Jonah’s impetigo (at least I assume that’s what it is again).  Maybe the third time’s the charm ;)—and, no I am not superstitious at all!

As most of you know, I hate medicines and antibiotics and all such nonsense and try to avoid them as much as possible (which is why I don’t go or take the kids to the doctor any more than I do).  I’m a firm believer that if we never allow our bodies to fight off things, they’ll never learn.  I do NOT want to weaken any of our immune systems (Jonah’s seems to be weak enough already) and we all have a high pain tolerance in this house, so we tend to “tough it out” with most things around here.  But this one is about to get the best of us!

Also as most of you know, Jonah’s already been prescribed an antibiotic ointment (for the first round of impetigo) and an oral antibiotic later (for the second outbreak which was Bullous Impetigo).  Now, I’m trying the ever-present internet for advice before heading to the doctor again!

Jonah’s doctor already recommended a cap full of bleach in his bath water a couple of times a week, so I do that when I can, but I’ve now read that Tea Tree Oil helps to heal it; so that’s what I’m trying now (in addition to the bleach baths, Calamine and antibiotic ointment!).  Thank you, Walmart for carrying the Tea Tree Oil (I’m not a fan of visiting specialized stores).  I am also using a mixture of water and vinegar for down in his ear because I suspect the impetigo is down in there, too!!  Bless his heart (sniff, sniff).
The washer is running much more often than usual now (washing his towels, bedding and pajamas after every use), the tub is getting a workout (bathing Jonah 2-3 times a day when we’re home), and the strange Tea Tree Oil smell fills the house while the ever present “STOP SCRATCHING, JONAH!” can be heard all day most every day.  Pray with us that we’ll get this thing licked and get back to normal (whatever that is).

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

To Begin With...

I should've shared this link when I first started this blog.  It will give more background on our lives after becoming parents :)

Independence Day

So, this year, we are not only celebrating the country’s independence, we are also anxiously awaiting independence from the ever-present impetigo we’ve been dealing with for weeks now.  Jonah’s first break out on his hip (see last post) was about cleared up,

June 21

June 18
June 29

when we started seeing these nasty sores everywhere.

Back & Neck

Head (even way above ear)

Doctor said these are Bullous Impetigo.  Jonah’s on oral antibiotics now (AGAIN!).  We were trying to avoid the antibiotics (treated with prescription antibiotic ointment before), but it can’t be helped.  We’re just trusting God that with all the antibiotics Jonah’s had throughout his short six years, that he doesn’t grow immune to them.  And, as always, Jonah’s not complaining.  He is and always has been quite a trooper!

And now, on to what I “promised” in my last post—a clip of the “swimming hole” here at the house that Jake has cleared out around.  While the rains from Tropical Storm Debby have caused havoc on much of our county (and I’m so sad about the loss so many have endured), it did wonders for this swimming hole.  It has already gone down since these pictures/video, but this was it shortly after the rains and the boys are so enjoying it.  Oh, the joys of country living J