Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I know; but Jake and I are just impressed with this art work of Jonah's.
Our kids have never been described as budding artists. In fact, most of those who know much about the older one's drawing abilities are probably giggling right now at me even being able to use the term artist in this house at all! BUT we think Jonah (who is now 6-years-old) did a great job at drawing this fire truck "from memory". Granted, he's been to the fire station countless times and looked the trucks over from top to bottom as if it were the first time EVERY time (the advantages of having a daddy who's a firefighter), but still... Great job, Jonah!!
And, yes, I know it's a "shame on me" statement, but this is the first art work of either of the boys that I've ever framed (or even considered framing----seriously, art is like a foreign language around here). Jonah does love to draw (I didn't say he was talented, I said he LOVES to draw), but Levi does not care anything about it and never has.
I know, I know... I should think everything my kids draw or paint is beautiful, but I'm not blind! True, my eyesight is failing in my "old age", but it's not gone yet! Anyway, I do think this is a pretty good drawing for such a young child (who am I kidding--it's a good drawing for ME!).
So, l will proudly display this work of art, yes, I said it, ART, on our wall. It may be the first and the last art-work of our boys to grace our walls, but it's up for now (though I'll have to figure out a new location for it when I get Jonah's Kindergarten graduation photos taken next week!).
P.S.- Jonah was talking at the breakfast table this morning about his baptism this Sunday and said, "Isn't it gonna be great, Mama... when I get baptized?"